葉金成* 張俊仁**
The Relationships Between The Type of Earnings Management and Long-term Stock Return
Yeh, Chin-chen Chang, Chun-Jen
Abstract:The purpose of this study is to examine the relationships between long-term stock return and the types of earnings management. This study divides the types of earnings management into smoothing and nonsmoothing and investigates what types of earnings management in Taiwan companies. Additionally, the study measures the market's responsiveness to earnings to see whether the market makes better assessments of information contained in relatively smooth earnings. Finally, this study investigates the difference of firm size between smoothing and nosmoothing firms.
The sample consists of all listed firms between 1991 and 1999 in Taiwan Stock Exchange. The sample size is 138 listed firms. The main results of this study are as follows:
1.Most of the listed firms in Taiwan have adopted the behavior of earnings management .
2. There are 51% firms are smoothing and 49% firms are nonsmoothing.
2.The relationships between income smoothing and firm performance is insignificant.
3.The information content of earnings and cash flows not increase with the degree of smoothing. The market not makes better assessments of the information content for firms with smoother earnings.
4.The difference of firm size between smoothing and nonsmoothing firms is insignificant.
Key words:Earnings management, Income smoothing, Long